"The past doesn't matter to me. Everything I care about is here, now. I have a family to take care of."
Despite his anxious disposition and his inclination towards any adventure his curiosity sets him on, Ebeneer was a kind soul at heart who always sees the best in others. His intelligence knew no bounds, and neither did his friendship. Even through strife, such as the death of his brother, he continued to persevere, taking in his godchild Kell and forging a new life for them both to live happily. However, that old sense of curiosity prove to be his downfall, as one wrong trip led to his unexplained disappearance, leaving behind all that he had built for himself -- including Kell.
- Ebeneer had a large collection of rocks and gems cluttering his office. He used a geode as a paperweight.
- He often brought Kell to digs, surveys, and other geological expeditions, hoping to spark an interest in geology in them. It never quite worked, but the two had plenty of fun together.
- Ebeneer liked warm, filling foods; soups, stews, anything that thaws him out after a long day of work out in the cold.
- As a child, Ebeneer would carve drawings onto his cane, which led to a minor interest in woodcarving. He grew out of the hobby, but still occasionally whittled away at a piece of wood every so often.