"I'm not here for fun, you -- look. I'm stranded on this stupid rock and I just want to fix my ship and get back home. I don't want to be some weapon in your game, got it?"
Standoffish and quiet yet by no means unassuming, Kell has made a living for themself through their own hard work, regardless of the poor hand that life has dealt them. As a result of many years scraping by, Kell goes to great lengths to ensure the safety of their own existence, making them quite bitter and jaded for someone their age; but a life's worth of turmoil has given them ample reason to feel such a way. As such, they've become closed off from the world around them, seeing themself as a solitary figure amongst a rapidly moving crowd, where any notion of kindness is a threat to their existence. Kell is someone who never had a chance to be a child; instead, they've always been good at pretending that everything is under their control; but a recent unpredictable power that has been placed into their unwilling hands threatens to alter all they know -- and may hold the answer to their questions.
- Kell's main source of income is from restorations and mechanics.
- Cyri is their idol and most everything Kell does is an effort to prove themself to him. After taking them in and caring for them ceaselessly, they feel they owe him a great deal, and constantly try to find a way to return the favor, but even the tiniest bit of disappointment from Cyri leaves them crumbling.
- Kell considers themself a poor conversationalist and often opts for not speaking at all; they particularly avoid discussing politics, science, and academia, as they consider themself unequipped to understand such topics -- on a self-deprecating note, they find themself rather dumb. They're not, though!
- They like collecting trinkets and have a fondness for the things that they find when searching for scrapmetal and loot on Kepla's surface. They have a little stash of photos, figurines, and more, along with a handwritten guide of the flora and fauna of Kepla for when they go out scavenging.
- Kell's current restoration project is particularly important to them, as it's Cyri's old warplane, the Wintertide. Cyri has promised that they can keep it once it's fixed, but after upsetting him, part of them fears he'll go back on his word.