"What, no 'hello?' No 'it's been a while?' Gee, you've gotten cold."
Though she is the regent of the goddess planet Yona, Lissli does not act the part. Drunk on the dreams of a planet that never sleeps, the ideas of duty and politics are unthinkable to the nightlife-adoring socialite. She has money, power, and everything in between, and she believes a blessing is something to be used, not saved. But one would think she would be content to waste her life on materialistic pleasure; rather, there is something missing, something she is desperate to find, and a little bit of digging for that missing piece is proving to be in her favor. A new blessing has unveiled itself to her, one far more grand than anything she could ever imagine.
- Lissli hardly ate as a child due to sensory issues and because of this her growth was stunted. This habit has chased her into adulthood; she often has to be reminded by others to eat.
- She adores high fashion and often sets trends for the fashion-savvy generation of Yonites.
- She has an atrocious singing voice.
- Even though she's recently taken an amateur interest in science, Lissli is a thousand times better with history and literature and often memorizes facts without realizing just to bring them up in conversation later. She's quite intelligent; she's just bad with social cues and doesn't know how to apply herself.