"One intelligent mind can lead an entire nation out of ignorance."
Having only appeared on the radar of Kepla's social conscience merely twenty years ago, no one quite knows who Dr. Gara is or where he came from; but his sudden appearance and famed intellect solidified his status as a hero and prophet when he saved Kepla from its downfall after the death of the sun. He created the core generators, massive mechanical structures that keep the three goddess planets alive via geothermal energy. His drive to keep Kepla afloat and remain the prophet everyone heralded him as drove him to a newer project -- but just before it could see fruition, the doctor disappeared, abandoned all that he made, which would in turn come to doom the planet he loved so much.
- Gara had a fondness for sweet foods but rarely ate any. He particularly liked meringue cookies.
- He didn't really care for music of any kind and worked best in complete silence. The only time he'd sit through a song was whenever he was invited to attend balls or operas by the empress, Mirriak Keplari.
- Gara had a quiet aversion to company and conversation... unless the topic was about him, his work, or politics. Small talk and gossip frustrated him.
- Gara's observatory sat a good few miles away from Zomir as a way to prevent light pollution. Being an astrophysicist, he needed the clear space to work and study. The telescope is a few floors tall while the rest of the building spans deep underground, straight to the mechanical layer of the core generator.