Jhone is the second of the three goddess planets and is the breadbasket of the civilization. It is small, but by no means weak, with a radius of 781.5 miles and a tilt of 22.3 degrees. Like the other planets, it has suffered through widescale climate change and environmental adaptation to the death of the sun, but because of its small size, the geothermal core that powers it thoroughly warms the ground, keeping it suitable for its agrarian lifestyle and agricultural capital. It has a climate of 34 degrees Fahrenheit, but the ground is typically around 60 degrees Fahrenheit due to its smaller size being more greatly benefitted by the implementation of the core generators. The planet's elliptical patterns have been pushed slightly off course as a result of Kepla's encroaching gravity, making Jhone about 52.4 astronomical units from the sun, where previously it was around 50. It has a gravitational pull of 12.3 m/s^2 with a magnetic field around 22 to 54 microteslas. The atmosphere is a healthy mix of oxygen, nitrogen, carbon dioxide, and various beneficial gasses. Though it had gone through immense loss, Jhone has bounced back and advanced, in a sense making it the new face of the Keplan empire.
Jhone's geography is a pattern of mountains and plains, and most choose to live in the valleys, as its rich soil is perfect for crops and harvest. The land is a patchwork quilt of fields. Wind turbines and massive solar farms lines these fields, and rivers are utilized in hydroponic technology. Jhone itself is a massive science project, a mash of ecological conservation and experimental technique, where its combination of old-fashioned farming and new wave science can coexist.
(A map of Jhone will be here soon!)
Jhone is speckled with deciduous forests that still abide by seasons long gone, with a healthy assortment of flora that is conserved by the planet's government. Populations of wolves, deer, and moose live within the massive forests on Jhone, and occasionally, a stray animal roams onto the farms. Hunting is popular, but there are strict restrictions and laws in place, keeping most amateurs away from the sport. Rivers thread through the mountains and plains and are filled with fish. Farmers build large floating gardens on the rivers to utilize hydroponics, which has lead to many owning their own fish and placing grates along the rivers to keep them together.
Being the thriving heart of the goddess planets, Jhone has used its scientific developments to enhance crop production and harvest. Even in the city, flora still thrives. Buildings are developed with nature in mind, and its common to see a building with gardens strung all along its walls and floors. Ivy crawls over homes and community gardens are around every corner. People take great care to keep snow off of these gardens, which has in turn built a strong sense of community.
Where Kepla has failed, Jhone has thrived. As the breadbasket of civilization, Jhone feeds its fellow people with every harvest, making them integral to the world. Farmers are revered for their work and much of their society has become agrarian as a result. Even in urban areas, many cultivate their own personal gardens and host farmer's markets. If one, for some reason, is unable to grow their own garden, they are supported by their community's harvests. It has become a staple of Jhonian life.
Jhone's economy thrives both because of agriculture and because of its lunar exploits. Those who do not farm often go off-planet to work on lunar "moonfarms," where they develop and provide upkeep of solar farms that absorb light from nearby stars to utilize as energy, while at the same time producing light to keep the planets from living in the dark. It is a recent development of Jhone's, but an enormous success, furthering their support of the empire. Solar energy and food are their major exports, and textiles are their major import.
As for the government, there is little to no distrust in their leaders, mainly because the regent Nedia Orujhone was the one to propose the moonfarming system in the first place. Jhone's place in the Triumvirate is one that does not waver, making them a force to be reckoned with. The regent cares primarily for domestic affairs over international affairs, as she picked the planet up when it fell, which has caused a strong wave of Jhonian patriotism. The governmental system, one third of a monarchical triarchy, has shifted its views from helping the planet to helping the little people, which has made it slightly weaker in geopolitical affairs. Regardless, most do not care for interplanetary work considering how much good has been done for the people. The family rule on Jhone has been in place for centuries, and at first, Nedia's rule was marked with hesitance as her father was a warmonger; however, she has proven herself through her work for the people.
Cultural beliefs and norms on Jhone are entirely community-centered. People strive to help each other, whether they be strangers or friends -- and, by the time a goal has been achieved, everyone becomes the latter. Compared to Kepla, which became colder and lonelier with the death of the sun, and to Yona, which has become nihilisitc, Jhone holds onto hope and clings together for warmth, helping each other with a better tomorrow.
Jhone was the second to install a geothermal generator at the core of the planet and has had the most successful output as a result, primarily because of the planet's small size. The generator feeds off of magma deposits in the crust and generates steam from the heat, which is then used to warm the ground beneath farms. As such, snow is rarer to see on Jhone, though not wholely impossible. It is merely that the surface ground stays warm enough to melt it, which in turn radiates heat into the air, giving Jhone a climate advantage in comparison to Kepla, which is larger.
- During the war, Jhone developed a strong militaristic power, which was largely spent on the offensive Keplan front.
- Jhone's architectural style is primarily Sullivanesque, particularly his work in the height of his life -- think the Auditorium, the Golden Gate at the Columbian Exposition, and so on. It is very rounded, botanical, and compliments the world around it.
- Jhone was colonized by Russia, Spain, and India.
- Jhone's flag is a glowing star that radiates light from its core. Beneath it are the eleven moons of Jhone, and on both sides of the star are stalks of grain, symbolizing its place as the breadbasket of the galaxy. Jhone's flag symbolizes shining out from the darkness.