Yona is the smallest of the three planets, a few hundred miles smaller in radius than Pluto, and serves as the economic playground of the Keplan elite. With only a tilt of 19.3 degrees, it rarely experiences noticeable seasons, instead operating on a single cylindrical year with social seasons put in place -- simply described as a first season and a second season, loosely based off of planetary perihelion and aphelion. They are superfluous titles with no real weight or gravity. They merely mimic a world that still breathes. It has a climate of 31 degrees Fahrenheit, though like Jhone, the ground itself is around 60 degrees Fahrenheit due to the generator in the core of the planet. It is somewhat affected by Jhone's gravity, but typically clocks in at around 68.2 astronomical units from the sun. It has a gravitational pull of around 9.3 m/s^2 with a magnetic field around 21 to 49 microteslas. The atmosphere is a sufficient mix of oxygen, carbon dioxide, and trace amounts of nitrogen and other beneficial gasses.
For a time, Yona did have decent geology. It had a large, ancient mountain range and serene lakes dotting the crust, but it's almost entirely gone now, destroyed in the name of industrialization. Now, geology is relegated to the crust underneath paved streets and the parks on pretty avenues. Besides, it's a surprisingly small planet; there wasn't much to begin with.
No examples still exist of Yonite ecology aside from parks and backyard gardens -- and even then, those are rare to come by. Previously the planet was like Kepla: covered in coniferous forests with strong fauna populations, but most everything was hunted to extinction. Yona, however, does have a small canal system used for hydrokinetic energy. It is one of the only remnants of its former ecological prowess.
The only other real example of ecology on Yona is its botanical and horticultural endeavors, mainly that of gardens and vineyards. These are located within massive glass greenhouses in a distinctly Victorian style. Wine has become a sole export.
Yona is the largest importer of food material. They receive all of their food from Jhone and therefore have a strong alliance with the agriculture-based planet. Without them, Yona would starve.
Yona is the wallet of Kepla, the purse strung along the arms of aristocrats, where all that glitters is gold. As an economic empire, Yona makes all of its money from two main sources: urban tourism and the factories hidden behind glittery curtains. The former is more prominent than the later, however. The entire surface of the planet is one major city divided into districts with Tarapol being its capital. It once had distinct towns and cities with city-state legislature, but a conquest and cohesion of culture under the Biryona family has merged it into a planetary megalopolis.
There is an innate, deeply ingrained class system on Yona, where money can make or end someone; there is a lower class of factory workers and a major elite, and because it is seen as Kepla's playground, the aristocratic class keeps growing, pushing the poor class away. Urban spaces are split harshly under this social distinction, keeping both tourists and lower-class locals from ever passing the thresholds between districts. As a result, many within the upper class are entirely unaware of the people working to keep their lights running.
The government does little to hinder this growing divide -- mainly because its people are the ones causing it. Over the years, Yona has slowly and quietly slid into a powerful plutarchy with the rich calling the shots. The regent, Lissli Biryona, openly allows this, as her lethargy and apathy for politics has created a blind eye towards corruption, exploitation, and scheming. The social response is split depending on class; those who know how to play the game -- old- and new-money alike -- are in favor of Biryona’s lax ruling. Anyone below has no faith in government, instead depending on themselves to make their living.
Yona used to be a good place for all who lived there. Decades of nihilism and political apathy have forced a stake between its people, and only those who can play the regent's games have managed to crawl back out.
Yona was the third to install a geothermal generator at the core of the planet. While magma deposits are not as prominent on Yona as they are on the other two planets, it still makes for a decent job at warming the earth. However, it has developed a need for other energy sources, and as such they have developed hydrokinetic power via canals and import solar power from Jhone’s moonfarming system. Yona has no moons, making it once again dependent on Jhone.
- Yona was inspired by Coruscant from Star Wars and the movie Metropolis (1927).
- Yona was colonized by England and China in the era of Keplan prehistory.
- No matter where you go on Yona, floors are always heated. Yonite infrastructure is a massive spiderweb of hypocausts.
- Architecture on Yona is art-deco with a mix of Postmodernism.
- "Old money" Yonites are those with fortunes made before the war. "New money" Yonites prospered off of the war itself.